CHF - Swiss Franc

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Facts about the Swiss Franc

Importance of the Swiss Franc

The combination of the Swiss Central Bank's zero inflation with Switzerland’s political independence made the Swiss Franc one of the most powerful and stable currencies across the globe. The most distinct example where the CHF was considered a safe haven was during the political and economical crisis that occurred across Europe in 2008. Moreover, CHF attracts more and more foreign investments since Switzerland has strong financial structures leading to economic stability as well as a very transparent reporting system giving confidence and trust to potential investors.

Introduction of the Swiss Franc

The Swiss local currency known as the franc was first introduced in 1798 by the Helvetic Republic and it was circulated until 1803. It was used in day trading together with various foreign coins and banknotes. In 1848, the Swiss Federal Constitution declared that the government of Switzerland will be the only official power that will issue the country’s currency. Thus, in 1850 the Swiss Franc (CHF) was announced as the monetary unit of the country by the Federal Coinage Act. In 1865 Switzerland entered the Latin Monetary Union and endorsed the gold standard until 2000. Meanwhile, in 1945 the CHF was pegged to the USD.

What does CHF mean in currency?

The CHF is the abbreviation for “Confoederatio Helvetica” and the “F” stands for “Franc”. It has been the official currency of Switzerland since 1850. Since then, it is used by four different nationalities in Switzerland, it has multiple currency subunits such as Rappen for German, Centime for French, Centesimo for Italian, and Rap for Romansh.

What is the symbol of the Swiss Franc?
What Makes the Swiss Franc Important?
What countries use the Swiss Franc?
Is CHF a good investment?
Swiss Franc Stats
Minor unit
1/100 = Rappen (German), centime (French), centesimo (Italian), rap (Romansh)
Minor unit symbol
German: Fr., Rp. French: fr., c. Italian: fr., ct. Romansh: fr., rp. International (any other language): CHF
Bank notes

Freq Used: 20, 50, 100, 200, 500 francs Rarely Used: 10, 1,000 francs

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